An Exhibition by Javad Beyad

The Circle of Evolution

The Circle of Evolution

We are constantly searching for significance in the circle of life and the signs of evolution captivate us all throughout our journey. We follow them even though it means to purify our abode of existence. These depictions put forward some signs to find meaning, provided we have tried to qualify beforehand.

Iconic signs hinge on the similarity between signs and subjects. In such signs, artistic motifs may serve more intricate structures than images. In Javad Beyad paintings, figures iconic significances contain both internal and external references; that is internal references of icons include colors connections and spacing which take the canvas to the other side of some endless religious narrations. The color green and the light spread throughout the canvas from the center point; therefore, the light moves towards the spatial expansion from a focal point or a center and this expansion contributes to the concept of infinity and breaching the linear narrations. The spacing is made utilizing the touches of the sky and the horizontal line separating the seen from the unseen. The latter approaches divineness as they depart the Earth and infusing the colors, the sky forms spiritual significances. The artist and the viewer are driven towards the presence and here because of the horizontal line. There are two painters in Beyads art. One is a discourse subject meticulously creating the forms, colors and spaces and their interactions.

 This discourse subject is not dichotomized and has a hand in form processing and yet there is an enunciative subject whose commission is to depict personal impressions of religious narrations. He adds up statesof-the-art lines to them and makes the figures mourn. In most paintings, we see sorrow as a psychoanalytical tool serving the deceased persona. Considering these notes, we are not dealing with linear narration anymore but a historical bond is made with modern humans and from this point on an iconic sign blasting off for symbolic system; a conventional and optional relation is set between the significant and signified, religious rituals and costumes, being iconic connections, become symbols too. The persona turn into symbols as well and standing by religious symbols while sustaining a modern appearance, they try to tear apart linear narrations and history consistency.

Sohrab Ahmadi

  • نمایشگاه نقاشی‌های جواد بیاد «دایره‌ تکامل» /
  • نمایشگاه نقاشی‌های جواد بیاد «دایره‌ تکامل» /
  • نمایشگاه نقاشی‌های جواد بیاد «دایره‌ تکامل» /
  • نمایشگاه نقاشی‌های جواد بیاد «دایره‌ تکامل» /
  • نمایشگاه نقاشی‌های جواد بیاد «دایره‌ تکامل» /
  • نمایشگاه نقاشی‌های جواد بیاد «دایره‌ تکامل» /
  • نمایشگاه نقاشی‌های جواد بیاد «دایره‌ تکامل» /
  • نمایشگاه نقاشی‌های جواد بیاد «دایره‌ تکامل» /
  • نمایشگاه نقاشی‌های جواد بیاد «دایره‌ تکامل» /
  • نمایشگاه نقاشی‌های جواد بیاد «دایره‌ تکامل» /
  • نمایشگاه نقاشی‌های جواد بیاد «دایره‌ تکامل» /
  • نمایشگاه نقاشی‌های جواد بیاد «دایره‌ تکامل» /
  • نمایشگاه نقاشی‌های جواد بیاد «دایره‌ تکامل» /
  • نمایشگاه نقاشی‌های جواد بیاد «دایره‌ تکامل» /
  • نمایشگاه نقاشی‌های جواد بیاد «دایره‌ تکامل» /