Mohammad Ehsaei

Nodes Series

Nodes Series

Mohammad Ehsaei’s concern in the collection known as nodes is to use the combination of letters, color coordination, use of vertical writing capabilities, stretching of letters, creating space between letters and sometimes their compression in a part of the calligraphy-painting (especially the central part) and so on. Ehsaei in this collection, apart from taking advantage of a new and aesthetic form, seeks to use the combination of phonemes, words and sometimes phrases with mystical, philosophical or literary (mostly poetic) content. Another important point is that the form of expression, that is, the intermingling of letters and phonemes, their combination and the formation of their structure, has coherence and no element can replace another element, and this fact shows and proves Ehsaie’s root in the graphic tradition. In this collection, Ehsaei also presents a kind of spatialization that causes the audience to delay in the perception of signs, and the sum of these factors and sensory-perceptual combinations creates multiple senses in the audience, and these multiple senses are effective in producing meaning.

Sohrab Ahmadi

  • Mohammad Ehsaei - 162 x 105 cm - Oil on canvas - 2022
  • Mohammad Ehsaei - 100 x 100 cm - Mixed media on canvas - 2002
  • Mohammad Ehsaei - The Autumn of Sunflower - 167 x 170 cm - Mixed media on canvas - 2023