Bahman Rezaei

Miniacature Series

Miniacature Series

In Bahman Rezaei’s works carpets include mythological, historical, literary, and social elements and are representative of Iranian identity. The elements and symbols in this series come from ancient Iranian history and have been used over and over again in modern and contemporary art. Given the important artistic place of carpets for Iranians, Rezaei is able to use a humorous outlook and establish a link between the world inside the carpets – while preserving their mythological and historical elements and the authenticity of different Iranian ethnicities – with the outside world. The figures in this collection interact with history, and their interactions are imprinted on the wefts and warps of the carpets.

Sohrab Ahmadi

  • Bahman Rezaei - Mixed media on cardboard - Collection of negatives Artist’s personal archive - 1992
  • Bahman Rezaei - Mixed media on cardboard - Collection of negatives Artist’s personal archive - 1992
  • Bahman Rezaei - Mixed media on cardboard - Collection of negatives Artist’s personal archive - 1997
  • Bahman Rezaei - Mixed media on cardboard - Collection of negatives Artist’s personal archive - 1997
  • Bahman Rezaei - 50 × 70 cm - Mixed media on cardboard - 1999
  • Bahman Rezaei - 44 × 28 cm - Mixed media on cardboard