Bahman Rezaei

Freedom Series

Freedom Series

In this series freedom is depicted as a necessity of human life, it is as if without freedom human existence is also negated. It is through freedom of thought and action that we can understand existence and reach a realm without any wisdom denying reprimands.

The works of the following series were created and published in the media before the Islamic Revolution. A book titled “Freedom” was published in July 1979 by Sahab Publications.

Sohrab Ahmadi

  • Bahman Rezaei - 13 × 12 cm - Ink on paper
  • Bahman Rezaei - 15.5 × 23 cm - Ink on paper
  • Bahman Rezaei - 17 × 24.5 cm - Ink on paper - 1993
  • Bahman Rezaei - 29.5 × 21 cm - Ink on paper - 1979
  • Bahman Rezaei - 8.5 × 20 cm - Ink on paper
  • Bahman Rezaei - 25 × 35 cm - Ink on paper