Soft Landscape Series

Niazi's soft landscapes are the representation of natural landscapes. In terms of color, this representation is a complete defamiliarization of landscape and geographical references, and the colors have created a soft and poetic texture on the painting scene. The landscape in these works means the perceptual space of the artist and is different from classical landscape painting. If the classical landscapes only showed the aesthetic dimension, Niazi's landscapes are a new look at the connection with nature. In fact, in many of Niazi's collections, although nature and culture are in contrast, but only nature is present in this collection, which is imagined as a habitat for humans, although humans have been removed in many soft landscapes, but Niazi’s coloring method and self-improvement of landscapes has made it possible to discover and understand a human being in connection with nature and in the infrastructure of painting. It should be mentioned that this perception is not only dependent on the paintings of the collection of soft landscapes, but Niazi's collective view of the connection between nature and culture is what creates such a vision.
Sohrab Ahmadi