Mehdi Sahabi

Collage Series

Collage Series

Using wood, plaster, cardboard, and paper, Mehdi Sahabi expresses a poetic and pure experience through the selection and composition of visual elements. By assembling these components he depicts the patchwork life of contemporary human beings. The composition of materials, both in his wooden and paper collages, as well as his use of primary colors, is a reminder of Piet Mondrian’s compositions in the neoplasticism style, and confronts the viewer with color and surface regardless of any connotative meanings.

Sohrab Ahmadi

  • Mehdi Sahabi - 70 × 80 cm - Mixed Media on cardboard - 1999
  • Mehdi Sahabi - 60 × 70 cm - Mixed Media on cardboard - 1999
  • Mehdi Sahabi - 84 × 63 cm - Mixed Media on wood - 1999
  • Mehdi Sahabi - 100 × 70 x 15 cm - Mixed Media on wood - 1999
  • Mehdi Sahabi - 66 × 69 cm- Mixed Media on wood
  • Mehdi Sahabi - 120 x 90 cm - Mixed Media on wood - 2007 - Tehran Museum of Art’s Treasure