
Ali Shirazi

Ali Shirazi

Ali Shirazi was born in Shiraz in 1960. He received his calligraphy degree from Master Amirkhani and has been practicing various Iranian scripts, especially Nastaliq, since his adolescence and has created influential works. In the field of script, Shirazi moves beyond the apparent meaning and texture of the words towards creating a new texture for the words, and on the other hand, with novel compositions and sometimes by placing color contrasts in the realm of expression, he moves towards creating a kind of multi-meaning texture in the work. Although Shirazi's approach in the field of form has been unprecedented in highlighting and formal games, the painter's greatest emphasis is on getting out of the form or using all the formal possibilities in creating a new kind of meaning for the script. Shirazi has had more than 19 solo exhibitions in important galleries in Iran and abroad in his artistic career, and his works are kept in the most important museums of the world: works that seem to be the cultural representatives of Persian script and are derived from the authentic, long-standing and ancient tradition of writing and highlighting the form of writing. In this field, Ali Shirazi's lasting efforts proved that script has very wide possibilities and in the contemporary art of the world, it can pave and traverse many untrodden paths. Many of Shirazi's works, which are taken from holy books, ancient poems of Persian literature and narratives of religious elders, have the ability to produce different meanings and go to a kind of polyphony in a world devoid of meaning. Therefore, the social aspect of calligraphy also goes from personal expression to social expression and provides the ability to dialogue between Eastern scripts and a global culture.

Sohrab Ahmadi