
Mohsen Razzaghi

Mohsen Razzaghi

Mohsen Razzaghi is a contemporary painter, graphic artist and illustrator born in Tehran. Although he initially started his career in the field of music, he studied graphics at the bachelor's level and then at the master's degree in illustration, and completed his theses in both of his courses in the field of Indian art and the semiotics of their works. The content of Razzaghi's works, apart from the images taken from legends and the life of American Indians, also has deep roots in Western and Eastern mythology. Persian literature, mythological stories, oriental mysticism, and flower and chicken motifs are also among Razzaghi's study materials in creating visual works. It should be mentioned that these verbal and narrative elements or verbal language in general, when mixed with visual media, are not considered as an external side effect, but are considered as a part of the study of the image, and they are a sign of his accuracy in processing and studying within the media. Apart from the mentioned cases, Razzaghi also has had various group exhibitions, illustrations for books, poster designs, art management and cooperation with various magazines in his career. Continuing his artistic path, he has achieved new trends in the field of linking myth and history with text by following the research path of verbal and non-verbal language.

Sohrab Ahmadi