Siamak Zomordi Motlagh

Siamak Zomordi Motlagh was born in 1958 in Tehran. He started his theater photography work in 1988 with the show Medea directed by Ghotbedin Sadeghi. In the same decade, he started working with cinema and, as a film photographer, moved towards better understanding of the photo medium and its connection with other media, especially theater and cinema. In addition to photographing various plays and films, Zomordi Motlagh also became a member of the Theater and Cinema Photographers Association in the early 20s and trained young theater photographers. Zomordi's special look at photography, mastery of performed plays, study in the field of contemporary theater in Iran and Europe, and the use of photo media in theater photography and other features have made Siamak Zomordi a unique figure in the field of theater and cinema photography. Apart from the mentioned cases, participation in numerous photo exhibitions in Iran and abroad and winning numerous awards are a sign of Zomordi's special look. He has also been present as a member of the board of directors of the Iran Theater Photographers Association and adheres to his long-standing interest in the link between photography and theater.
Sohrab Ahmadi