
Niloufar Mousavi

Niloufar Mousavi

Niloufar Mousavi was born in 1990 in Tehran. She has completed her studies in the field of graphics and has had more than 6 group exhibitions in her career and has also participated in an expo of Iranian sculptors. In her new collection exhibited at Mojdeh Art Gallery, Niloufar Mousavi expresses the lived experiences of women in the form of volume with a discourse based on women's experience, and each of her works is a different geographical narrator, which is closely related to referable place. And in fact, the spatial references - each statue in connection with a province of Iran - shows the difference in the way of life, while the similarity of the life of women in a single geographical area with a global or national axis.

Mousavi, by carefully and specifically studying the volume, form of expression and content material and creating a link between these three, creates a reality from the everyday life of women in the community, which is a volume expression that has fluidity and escapes from traditional definitions. In fact, Mousavi exposes any kind of pre-definition of women and femininity to rethinking and doubting, and by redefining herself, she moves towards the same discourse that was mentioned at the beginning. And the experiences of the first generation feminists and their desire for equality are not considered by them, but based on a kind of female ethics, which is universal and has the ability to be extended to men's lives as well. In other words, the special femininity that Mousavi pursues is located in language and discourse, and modern moral education is in caring for the other and knowing the other with all its differences and distinctions.

For Mousavi, women’s the other, are not necessarily men, but in many cases are the women themselves, and this is the most obvious ethical characteristic that she creates in the audience when they face the volumes. We should add that if on the surface level and at first glance, the sculptures seem figurative, but on the lower and deeper level, they have a significant scope in terms of cognitive dimension: the sculptures are like a cognitive object in the pursuit of Mousavi's redefinition of women, femininity, women's sphere of life and modern ethics so that men and women get to live peacefully.

Sohrab Ahmadi